Greetings! This website is online a little sooner than I anticipated, and is actually intended to focus on my work with holographic sound and 360 photography, but for the moment it is a place for people who are interested in seeing more of the Trance Warriors photos currently being shown in the Other Brother’s Cafe. I have had a number of requests for prints, which can be done, but I am very picky about accurate color reproduction, especially regarding skin tone, so the prints need to be done with my oversight. Right now, the only prints that can be ordered online are the ones that I have already made, which are done on mid-gloss, white aluminum. Canvas and paper are possible, but need to go through me first so that no errors occur. I welcome your questions and feedback! You can contact me through the contact link at the top of the page.
I originally began my journey into photography out of necessity rather than interest. I am primarily focused on sound, I make my living scoring and mixing films. I have written the scores and mixed many of the shows seen at the Adler Planetarium, and spent 16 years working at Studiomedia, formally on Davis St. The last 10 years have been primarily spent developing my mobile app Naturespace, which is still my main focus, and was the reason for getting involved with photography.
Naturespace is the largest collection of natural holographic sound available on the planet. Created with recording and mixing techniques that accurately reproduce not just the sounds of nature, but the spaces, Naturespace has been downloaded over 4 million times across the globe. It is all about spatial sonic accuracy, and after 10 years of recording nature, there are now over 160 different spaces available within the app. You can learn more than you ever wanted to by visiting the Naturespace link at the top of the page. The app is available on iOS and Android.